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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Mr Alexander Cunningham BSc, MSc

Research Technician, GIS

Mr Alexander Cunningham's photo

Alexander Cunningham is a Research Technician within Geography at the University of Southampton.

Background in GIS and Remote Sensing. Alex completed a BSc in Geography and an MSc in Applied GIS and Remote Sensing at the University of Southampton. Working within the WorldPop Project, Alex is exploring the seasonality of populations.

Career history

2019 – present: Research Technician, GIS. WorldPop, School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton.

2018: Completed Msc in Applied GIS and Remote Sensing, University of Southampton.

2016: Completed Bsc in Geography, University of Southampton.

Research interests

GIS, population movement, spatial demography, environmental GIS.

Research projects

WorldPop Project

Research group

Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)

Affiliate research group


Mr Alexander Cunningham
Building 44 University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 39

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