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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

IBM Research Fishing Trip Event

09:00 - 14:00
29 January 2013
Building 37, Senate Room (4049)

For more information regarding this event, please email Jackie Milne at .

Event details

Fishing Trip’ where several of IBM’s research leaders and several of the University’s research leaders get together for several hours and discuss their respective interests.

The desired outcome is that we identify a couple of new areas where IBM and the University could collaborate.




Welcome and introductions

Professor Peter G.R. Smith

Brief Strategic Overview

Paul Fairbairn, Steve Legg, John Ibbotson, Peter Niblett, Andrew Schofield, Martin Jowett and Gemma Carroll - IBM

Maths Health Big Data sets

Jacek Brodzki, Professor of Mathematics

High Energy Physics Model Database (HEPMDB)

Dr Alexander Belyaev, Physics and Astronomy

Cybersecurity and Psychology

Dr Sarah Stevenage, Psychology

CERN Particle physics

Dr Andreas Juttner, Physics and Astronomy

Tea/coffee break

Synthetic Biology

Dr Ali Tavassoli, Chemistry


Dr Graeme Earl, Archaeology

Space time modelling environmental data

Professor Pete Atkinson, Geography and the Environment

Professor Simon J. Cox, Engineering and the Environment

Professor Jeremy Frey, Chemistry

Health Infomatics

Professor Sally Brailsford, Southampton Management School

‘Smart cities'/editing a place with sound

Ben Mawson, PhD Candidate, Dept of Music

Global monitoring volcanoes

Dr Mike Cassidy, Ocean and Earth Science NOCS

Q & A session and expressions of interest

Lunch and close

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