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The University of Southampton
The Music Focus Group

The Interactive Music Awareness Programme

The aim of the Music Focus Group at the University of Southampton is to provide music perception and production, (re)habilitation advice, facilities and support for severe to profoundly deaf adults and children who either have or are considering having a cochlear implant.

We are a group of audiologists, researchers, speech & language therapists, teachers of the deaf, musicians, composers and music therapists, based at the:

University of Southampton Auditory Implant Service (USAIS)

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR)

Department of Music

SoCo Music Project

IMAP Launch

A new, online version of the Interactive Music Awareness Programme (IMAP) launched on the 30th January 2014 at

Music and My CI

Edna describes her experiences of listening to music through her cochlear implant.

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