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The University of Southampton
Natural Sciences


There are two options during your time at Southampton: University accommodation or private rented housing.

Relaxing in the kitchen

University accommodation

International (non UK/EU) students are guaranteed accommodation for the full duration of their studies. The deadline for applications is August 1st.

If you are an Erasmus student we cannot guarantee accommodation. However, the Residences team welcome applications and will organise accommodation to match your preferences if they are able to do so.  Further information can be found in the Erasmus secton of the accommmodation pages.

Students with families

We offer some accommodation for mature students accompanied by their families but cannot guarantee this. If we can not find you University accommodation, the Accommodation Service will assist you in finding a place in the private rented sector. In these cases we advise that you should arrive in advance and only bring the rest of your family to Southampton when your accommodation has been arranged.

Visit our accommodation pages to find out more.

How to apply

You can find out more about our accommodation and apply by visiting the University’s Accommodation website .

Private rented housing

The Accommodation Service can help you find private rented housing, lodgings or bed and breakfast accommodation. It also produces a guide with essential advice on private renting, a regularly updated list of housing vacancies and a comprehensive list of letting agencies.

If you wish to find your own accommodation, we recommend that you visit the University to discuss your needs with the Accommodation Service and view properties in person before you start your course. You should arrive well in advance of the Welcome Programme so that you have enough time to find accommodation beforehand.

Before you start to search for private rented accommodation or enter into an agreement with a landlord, we suggest you read our advise on renting private accommodation .


For all queries contact the Accommodation Service: tel: +44 (0)23 8059 3994 or via the contact form on their website.

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