Job Summary
A Health Psychologist focuses on how biological, social and psychological factors influence health and wellbeing. They try to promote healthy behaviour and avoid illness. They work with individuals and families within several settings, including within the home, within hospitals, within clinics, or within doctor's surgeries. Some of the key roles are:
Qualifications – how do I become a Health Psychologist?
1) You will need a 3 year degree in Psychology that meets the standards of accreditation by the British Psychological Society. Qualification with a 2i or more provides eligibility to apply for GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the BPS).
2) You will need to have a Masters (MSc) in Health Psychology (1 year full time) OR a stage 1 Qualification in Health Psychology. The latter covers the same material as an MSc but is effectively a self-study programme. You can take an
MSc in Health Psychology at Southampton
3) You will need to complete Stage 2 of the BPS' Qualification in Health Psychology OR an MPhil or PhD to be eligible for registration with the HPC (Health Professions Council) and to gain eligibility to apply for status as a Chartered Psychologist. You can take this Stage II training at Southampton as well.
4) Other Universities may also offer a Doctoral programme which will also enable you to apply for HPC registration and status as a Chartered Psychologist.
What relevant work experience would I need?
Health Psychology is a relatively new area of applied psychology. Work experience may be important to a postgraduate selector . It proves that you are committed to the particular area and it helps you to stand out from the crowd. The following points include examples of relevant work experience, some include jobs in the local area:
Jobs are advertised in the 'Psychologist Appointments' , which is part of The Psychologist (the BPS monthly magazine), in newspapers (e.g. The Times, The Guardian, The Independent), in specialist publications from the Health Service Journal and the Department of Health website , and on
The University cannot accept responsibility for external websites.