Visiting and Erasmus students - On this webpage you will find information on how to sit your examinations off campus if required.
Non University of Southampton (UOS) students - Do you want us to host your assessments? Find out on this webpage if it is possible, scroll down and look for the header 'Non University of Southampton students'.
If you do not want to sit on University of Southampton (UOS) campuses (Avenue Campus, Highfield Campus, Boldrewood, Winchester, Southampton General or the National Oceanography Centre) during an examination period, you can choose to sit off campus at your Home University or your Semester Abroad University. If you wish to sit elsewhere, please email for permission and for more details.
Please note, there is a deadline to apply and possible fees involved, read the whole webpage for this information. Take the following steps if you wish to sit off campus:
Step 1) Please email with your request and we will check with your faculty if you can sit your exams off campus.
Step 2) Contact your Home University, provide them with the date ranges of the exam period and ask them if it is possible for them to host the assessments for you. If they say yes, find out who will be arranging these assessment(s) (a representative) and ask for their contact details, you will need; their name, telephone, fax and email. Note this has to be a specific person, so we can liaise with them, it cannot be generic details from their website.
Step 3) Once you have gained the above required details, you can fill in the ‘Taking your Exams Off Campus Application form’ . Please find the Off Campus Application Form here . All applications must be completed and submitted by 1700 (UK time) on Sunday 17 November 2024.
You will need to pay fees when you are re-sitting the assessment(s). The fee is £20 per re-sit assessment up the maximum of 5 (max payment £100). Please note, if you are taking it for the first time or as a Deferred assessment, no payment is required.
You will also need to pay fees if you wish to sit off campus at different venue other than your Home or Semester Abroad University. In order to do this, you will need to contact for permission and to find out the fees involved.
How to pay
Please visit the Online Store and either type in 'Referral' or 'Repeat Year, Not Attending', depending which examination period it is.
Referral under Special Consideration – A referral assessment under special consideration is the sitting of an assessment at a time other than the original scheduled time/date. Due to some special considerations, you may be sitting the assessment under mitigated circumstances; this is when your faculty have agreed you are re-taking your assessment as if for the first time.
Referral – Re-taking the required assessment module(s) in the year you are repeating.
Repeat Year Not Attending - Repeating the year externally therefore not attending lectures and do not pay tuition fees. IT and other services are still available, only failed modules will be re-sat/deferred over Semester One and Two.
Payment deadline for Semester One assessment assessments only you will be able to pay anytime from Monday 14 October 2024 to Sunday 2 February 2025.
Payment deadline for Semester One and Semester Two assessment(s) you will be able to pay anytime from Monday 14 October 2024 to Sunday 16 June 2025.
Payment deadline for Supplementary assessments you will be able to pay anytime from Monday 30 June to Sunday 21 September 2025.
Off campus application form/change venue/change campus Semester One assessment period 2025 please complete and submit the form by 1700 (UK time) on Sunday 17 November 2024.
Off campus application form/change venue/change campus Semester Two assessment period 2025 please complete and submit the form by 1700 (UK time) on Friday 28 March 2025.
Off campus application form/change venue/change campus Supplementary assessment period 2025 please complete and submit the form by 1700 (UK time) on Friday 18 July 2025.
Please click here for timetable information for various examination periods.
If you are a student studying at a different University or Institution and would like apply to sit your assessment(s) at the University of Southampton, please see the following information:
We can only host your assessment(s) during our exam periods, please click here to view them.
The fee is £100 per exam and this can be paid via our Online Store please type 'Hosting Administration fee' in the search facility. You will not need to pay this fee until we have confirmed that we can host your exam.
If you are happy with the above criteria please email with the date of your assessment(s) and we will respond within 10 days to let you know if we can host them.
Telephone: +44 (0) 2380 59 5922