Journal Info - information about journals with an OA-twist

From: (wrong string) åkan Carlsson <Hakan.Carlsson_at_LUB.LU.SE>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:35:21 +0200

Dear All,


Lund University Libraries has, with financial support from the National
Library of Sweden, put together a new tool to support researchers in
their choice of journal for publication. The service, called
&#8221;Journal Info&#8221;, gives fast and simple access to journal
information through a web interface, The journal
information is divided up in general, accessibility, cost and quality and
each area is supported by a number of relevant points. You can e.g. find
in which databases a journal is indexed, how much it costs for the
library to subscribe and which alternative OA journals exists. A total of
18,000 journals are currently supported in the database.


The service takes its aim at the researchers themselves and includes
explanations for the interested beginner. The information is compiled
from a larger number of services and will continually be updated. The
service is designed to be a complement to DOAJ, the Directory of Open
Access Journals (, which is also produced in Lund.


Welcome to test the new service. Please send comments and forward the
announcement to fellow researchers and colleagues.


Best regards,




Håkan Carlsson

Biblioteksdirektionen / Head Office

Lunds universitet / Lund University Libraries

Box 134

221 00 LUND

Tel. +46 46-222 15 30

Fax + 46 46-222 36 82

Received on Fri Jun 29 2007 - 11:22:53 BST

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