Re: It's Keystrokes All the Way Down

From: Les Carr <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:03:06 +0100

The keystrokes argument is not "keystrokes or nothing" but "one set of
keystrokes now or repeated keystrokes later". In other words, you can type
in the details for your articles now, into a repository and have all the
future administration requests for lists of publications satisfied by a
query to the repository without having to ask you. Or you can eschew the
repository and receive regular administrative and management requests for
your lists of publications that you have to deal with yourself (last year's
publications? publications funded by government? collaborative publications
with other universities? best publications in the last 6 years?).

You may well have been entering the keystrokes into your own private BibTeX
or EndNote database anyway, so just have them imported into your repository.
That's hardly any additional effort, but it deals with the requests
described above.

As Oscar Wilde once said about Open Access "the only thing worse than
depositing in a repository is not depositing in a repository".
Les Carr
Received on Thu Jun 26 2008 - 12:35:24 BST

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