Journal Release: Realisation of nonreciprocal transmission and absorption using wave-based active noise control

ISLNE researchers have recently published a new journal paper: “Realisation of nonreciprocal transmission and absorption using wave-based active noise control.” The paper has been published in JASA Express Letters, which is an online-only gold-open access journal, and it was also chosen to be an editor’s pick.
This article , co-authored by Joe Tan , Dr Jordan Cheer and Professor Steve Daley , presents an investigation into how feedforward wave-based active controllers can drive control sources to minimise the transmitted wave and both the transmitted and reflected wave components to achieve broadband nonreciprocal sound transmission and absorption in a one-dimensional environment. To control the wave components individually, this paper also describes a wave separation method, which separates the propagating wave components from the total pressure measured at two closely spaced microphones. The advantage of these wave-based active controllers is that they are fully adaptable, such that the direction of the nonreciprocal behaviour can be reversed by changing the reference and error signals to the controller. This paper builds on the team’s previous work , which was presented at the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.