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The University of Southampton
Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments

27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Published: 16 July 2021
ICSV27 Logo
ICSV27 Logo

ISLNE researchers Kristian Hook and Joe Tan recently presented some of their work at the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, an annual international conference on sound and vibration

Kristian presented his paper on ‘ Control of vibration in a plate using active acoustic black holes', which explores the how active acoustic black holes can be used to effectively suppress vibration in plates. Joe presented his work on ‘ Wave-based active control for non-reciprocal sound transmission and absorption ’, which proposes an active method of controrlling wave propagation to achieve the unusual property of non-reciprocal behaviour. Videos of each presentation can be viewed below.

The conference was originally planned to be held in Prague in 2020, but was instead held virtually in 2021 due to COVID travel restrictions.

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