Professor Joerg Wiedenmann INCORALS research features in the IfLS Annual Report which demonstrates the interdisciplinary impact of Life Sciences at University of Southampton

As a member of the IfLS, Professor Joerg Wiedenmann has been chosen to feature in the IfLS Annual report in reference to his INCORALS project that was supported by the IfLS.
The article entitled ‘Nutrient Starvation as primary cause of coral bleaching' details Joerg's significant new research into a process known as ‘coral bleaching' which is threatening to wipe out our coral reefs.
The Institute for Life Sciences forms one of the cornerstones in the university strategy to facilitate cross campus interdisciplinary research and education. This report details the high impact outcomes of the research groups that have been brought together by the IfLS.
Read Joerg's article in the IfLS Annual report here. Hard copies can also be ordered through this link.