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The University of Southampton
Southampton Chemistry Analytical Solutions

High?Resolution MAS NMR Spectroscopy

Broad signals from the poly(styrene) resin backbone can interfere with interesting substrate signals.

Use of a modified CPMG NMR pulse sequence can attenuate (but usually not completely remove) the broadest signals in the spectrum corresponding to the resin backbone. The caveat that needs to be considered that naturally broad substrate signals will also suffer such attenuation.

In the following example the 1 H spectra were recorded to follow the loading of a radical cyclisation precursor onto a PS resin support. The resin subsequently underwent a radical cyclisation with Bu 3 SnH affording product in good yield following cleavage from the support.

N. J. Wells, PhD Thesis, University of Southampton, 2002. - Reference

Reaction scheme
Unmodified sequence, CPMG sequence and solution proton spectra.

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