Please find at the bottom of this page links to the recorded sessions from the Agincourt Conference 2015.
Session 6a - Conduct
Dr Gary Baker
– To Agincourt and Beyond! The Martial Affinity of Edward, Duke of York
Dr Rémy Ambühl
– Henry V and the administration of justice at the surrender of Meaux, 1422
Session 6b – Late 15th Century Warfare
Peter Masters
– The Decisive Battle - 1487
Kate Bicknell
– Battlefield Ballads; the Stanleys in verse
Dr Adam Chapman
– The posthumous knighting of Dafydd Gam, esquire
Session 7a – Society and warfare
Matt Raven
– The Obligation of War for Edward III and his Earls
Professor Michael Hicks
– The Costs of the Hundred Years War to the English Nobility in the Fifteenth Century
Dr Irina Metzler
- Disabled soldiers - battlefield causes and social consequences of wounding
Session 7b – Honour and action
Dr Andy King
– ‘Then a great misfortune befell them’: The Treatment of the Vanquished on the Battlefield, c.1300-c.1450
Peter Hoskins
- The Black Prince in France 1355/6 and the Battle of Poitiers: Brigand or Strategist
Dr Aleksandr Lobanov
– In the Far East of Lancastrian France: English garrisons in Bassigny
Please note, due to copyright restrictions we are not able to make every recording from the conference available.
Other recordings you may find interesting which were from Friday , Saturday and Sunday .