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Professor Ivan Haigh


Research interests

  • I have four main areas of research, as follows:
  • Mean Sea level: local, regional and global trends, detection of accelerations, understanding of inter-annual variability
  • Extreme sea levels and coastal Flooding: Changes in storm surges, extreme value analysis, compound events,

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Ivan


Ivan is an associated professor in Ocean and Earth Science, at the University of Southampton, UK. He is passionate about all things relating to sea level.

He and his team investigate variations in sea level from time-scales of seconds (waves), to days (tides and storm surges), through to long-term century scale rises in mean sea level, and its impact on the coast. A key thrust of his and his teams research is determining how to effectively translate the results of these studies to local scales in practical terms, in ways that will aid coastal management; he has worked with many government/consultancy organisations in this regard.