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Miss Jo Haszczyn

Miss Jo Haszczyn

Research interests

  • Organophosphate intoxication
  • Neuropharmacology
  • C. elegans

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In 2020 Johanna finished her undergraduate degree in Pharmacology. During this period, she realised her affinity towards toxicology and neuroscience, and she was enveloped by the potential to research after completing her final year dissertation. These experiences cemented her decision to commence her own research and encouraged her to continue in academia.

Currently, she is in her third year of her PhD where she is investigating the determinants of nerve agent potency to define novel routes to mitigate the effects of nerve agent poisoning and environmental toxins using the model organism C. elegans. She is supervised by, Professor Vincent O’Connor, Professor Lindy Holden-Dye, Dr. Chris Green, Dr James Kearn and Dr. John Tattersall.