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Research project

J. Yan, Integrated levitated optomechanical sensors


Lead researcher

Professor Jize Yan


Research interests

  • Meta-lenses and vortex-beam based sensors; Distributed fibre optic sensors; MEMS/Optomechanical/Optical sensors; Wireless sensor networks; Energy harvesters; Cleanroom fabrication
  • Metrology and Monitoring for Infrastructure, Battery, Space and Quantum
  • Physics-Informed Neural Networks and AI Inverse Design for Sensing Device and System
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Other researchers

Professor Hendrik Ulbricht

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Hendrik's main research interests concern experimental tests of fundamental theories of Nature by table-top experiments but also in space. Some tests are concerned with the large mass limit of the quantum superposition principle, which forms the basis of quantum mechanics. Other experiments are concerned with testing the interplay between quantum mechanics and gravitation in the low energy limit.
  • The Ulbricht group performs quantum experimental research on the preparation and analysis of massive systems in non-classical states by various techniques. They pioneer so-called levitated opto- and magneto-mechanics experiments, where light and magnetic fields are used to both trap and control nano- and micro-particles in vacuum. Please see the Ulbricht group webpages for more details.
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Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Matteo Carlesso, Sandro Donadi, Luca Ferialdi, Mauro Paternostro, Hendrik Ulbricht & Angelo Bassi, 2021, Nature Physics, 18(3), 243–250
Type: review
Christopher Timberlake, Andrea Vinante, F Shankar, Andrea Lapi & Hendrik Ulbricht, 2021, Physical Review D, 104(10)
Type: article