Professor Sarah Hayden

Professor Sarah Hayden

Professor of Experimental Writing & Art

Research interests

  • Voice
  • Experimental Poetics
  • Artists' Moving Image

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Dr Sarah Hayden is Professor of Experimental Writing and Art. Since 2019, she has led two consecutive AHRC Innovation Fellowship projects under the umbrella-title: Voices in the Gallery (2019-23). While the first phase of this research explored contemporary art’s invisible (withheld) textuality, as it manifests in the voiceover and voiced writing, the second is concerned with intersections of voice, text and access in art. Sarah’s research and teaching is interdisciplinary; she often collaborates with artists and art institutions and her work is creative and curatorial as well as critical.

Sarah has published two monographs and is at work on a third. The first, Curious Disciplines: Mina Loy and Avant-Garde Artisthood, is on avant-garde art movements and modernist literature. The second, Peter Roehr–Field Pulsations, is jointly authored with Paul Hegarty and is about German minimalist art from the 1960s. Sarah is currently completing a book on voice in contemporary art for University of Minnesota Press. This book analyses voice in video in new depth. In it, she approaches “voiceworks” through a literary sensibility that attends simultaneously to the minutiae of syntax, rhythm and phrasing in artists’ writings, as well as to the vocal performance and production that translate that writing into sound.