Research group

Methodological Innovation: Survey Methods and Official Statistics

Online data collection tools

Experts in the design and use of surveys, with particular relationships with official statistics, the use of administrative data sources, longitudinal surveys and modelling with survey data.


This research group builds on a long tradition of work in design and analysis of surveys at Southampton, covering all the stages from specification and sampling, through consent and data collection, to processing (imputation, outlier detection and weighting) and modelling.

The group has strong links to official statistics in the UK and abroad, and has worked with the Office for National Statistics on methodology topics since 1995. It also has a wider role in survey methodology through organisation of networks and training delivery through the National Centre for Research Methods.   

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Research highlights

People, projects, publications and PhDs


Professor Peter van der Heijden

Professor in Social Statistics

Research interests

  • Categorical data analysis
  • Population size estimation, capture-recapture
  • Randomized response

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Peter

Dr Yves Berger

Associate Professor

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Yves

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