Our taught programmes expose you to current issues in engineering and environmental sciences and give you the opportunity to specialise in your desired field. Our programmes relate directly to our research strengths, with dissertation projects carried out with the appropriate research staff
MSc Advanced Tribology (1 year)
MSc Aerodynamics & Computation (1 year)
MSc Applied Digital Signal Processing (1 year)
MSc Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) (1 year)
MSc Engineering Acoustics (1 year)
MSc Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) (1 year)
MSc Mechatronics (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science) (1 year)
MSc Race Car Aerodynamics (1 year)
MSc Sound and Vibration Studies (1 year)
MSc Space Systems Engineering (1 year)
MSc Structural Dynamics (1 year)
MSc Transportation Planning & Engineering
MSc Unmanned Vehicle Systems Design / Air-vehicle (1 year)
Our research programmes offer a solid start to any career in engineering and environmental science, whether you plan to stay in academia or work in industry.
Working alongside some of the world's leading experts in the field, you will become a valuable member of our vibrant research community. Your time will be spent conducting novel research in our state-of-the-art facilities, keeping up to date with current trends in your chosen field, writing journal papers and attending conferences.
Our postgraduate research programmes form an integral part of our research strategy, and we offer a broad range of PhD and EngD opportunities.