Clearing 2024 at Southampton

Students walking on campus.

Clearing is now open. If you have your results, you can apply now below. You can also find information about the Clearing process and how to contact us.

How to contact us

We can't discuss your application status or grades with you from 6pm, Monday 29 July until 8am, Thursday 15 August. This is due to the UCAS results embargo.

If you have any queries about Clearing, you can contact our admissions team by:

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, UK time.

Find out more about Clearing

Advice for parents and supporters

We know Clearing can be an anxious and uncertain time for applicants. If you're a parent or an adult supporting an applicant through Clearing, we want to help you feel as prepared as possible.

Join us at our parents and supporters webinar on Wednesday 7 August, 5pm to 5:45pm to find out how Clearing works. Hear from our experts who will guide you through key dates and processes, what to expect during Clearing and how you can plan for different outcomes. You can also ask our experts your questions during a question and answer panel.

Can't make it to our webinar? Don't worry, you can watch bite-sized videos from our previous parents and supporters webinar below.

    A student sat at a green pod desk and typing on a laptop. The student is wearing glasses, a blue sweatshirt and a black and brown beaded bracelet. There is a yellow pod desk in the background.

    What is Clearing?

    In this video, you can find out more about what Clearing is, how it works and what it's used for. The video also includes helpful resources, including a timeline of key dates and a Clearing jargon buster. (9 minutes)
    A young person is sat with an adult at a table in a café. They are smiling at something that the young person is showing the adult on their phone. There is another young person with an adult sat at another table in the background. They are both looking at a laptop on the table.

    How to prepare for Clearing

    In this video, we give you our top tips to get prepared for Clearing, including results day. We also offer practical next steps to help you feel organised. (10 minutes 27 seconds)

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