The Academy operates a tiered membership scheme, enabling engagement for companies of all sizes. This, coupled with a policy of involving companies from across a broad range of sectors, ensures that the whole industrial and commercial community is included.
Members of the Academy benefit from a multimillion-pound shared research programme, consultancy from globally respected experts, access to educational programmes from a world-class university, recruitment and placement opportunities, and CPD training for professionals and IT operatives.
In addition to the research programme and other member activities, we are actively working with companies designing practical solutions to immediate and real-world problems. If you have a cyber security related requirement, the Academy has a staff of experts who will be pleased to work with you to design and deliver bespoke solutions for your specific issues.
Current areas of research
• Security for the Internet of Things
• Cyber-physical systems and industrial control systems security
• Security for autonomous vehicles
• Secure systems and software design and engineering
• Cyber risk analysis and management
• Security for ATC
• Human factors in cyber security
• Safety and security co-design
• Hardware security: anti-tamper devices, secure memory,
on-chip cryptography
• Data provenance, trust and reliability
• Distributed ledger technology: security of architectures and
• Data privacy anonymity and anonymisation
• Online identities and authentication
• Cloud security
• Web security
Collaboration opportunity
Companies are invited to join the Cyber Security Academy at the level most appropriate for their needs and means. We are delighted to have already established partnerships with Dstl, Northrop Grumman and Roke Manor Research as our founding core members.
If you would like to know more, please contact Professor Vladimiro Sassone, Director, Cyber Security Academy
Ged Powell, Manager, Cyber Security Academy