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The University of Southampton
Ageing & Gerontology Part of Economic, Social & Political Science

Joyce Sewell MSc Gerontology, 2009


Joyce Sewell's Photo

The excellent library, computer and lecture rooms encouraged not only studying but valued friendship among all students.

Why did you choose to undertake your studies at the University of Southampton?
Southampton offered variety and choice of modules that I wished to study. As a mature student, flexible, part-time studying was a key influence in my decision to attend university.

What did you enjoy about studying at Southampton?
At the start of my course, I found returning to studying a challenge, but with support from tutors and fellow students the transition proved a most enjoyable experience. The excellent library, computer and lecture rooms encouraged not only studying but valued friendship among all students.

What have you been able to achieve as a result of studying here?
The modules I chose to study raised awareness within my local community of the attitudes of older people towards informal support. As a result, there has been interest shown from my local council, sheltered housing and retirement associations. On a personal note, the whole experience has furthered my interest in gerontology.

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