'Left behind in transition' featured as an ESRC Impact case study
The results of the project on 'Left behind in transition? Poverty, social networks and social support amongst older people in Central Asia and the Caucasus', has been featured as an Impact Case Study by the Economic and Social Research Council.
The project, which was directed by Prof. Jane Falkingham and included other members of the Centre for Research on Ageing ( Maria Evandrou , Baschieri and Grant), has been featured as an Impact Case Study on the Economic and Social Research Council's website.
The project showed that a substantial number of older people in the region live in poverty and experience economic hardship. To make ends meet, many continue to work to supplement low-value pensions. Older people were often found to face healthcare deprivation and also out-of-pocket payments for treatment. However, despite the disruption brought about by economic transition, the family remains an essential source of financial and emotional support.
For more information, please follow this link to the ESRC website