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The University of Southampton
Ageing & Gerontology Part of Economic, Social & Political Science Postgraduate study

Linda Oloo MSc Global Ageing and Policy (Distance Learning)

Linda Oloo's Photo

I am the first woman from my family to have the chance to study abroad and to be awarded a fully paid scholarship to study in the UK at Southampton. I am very proud of this achievement and have become a role model and mentor for many young women so far.

Why did you choose to come and study at Southampton?

Southampton to me goes beyond just an academic institution. My interaction with outstanding alumni let to my conviction to apply to the University and join the diverse community with world-class training on Global ageing and Policy.

What is it like studying at the University?

I love the Centre for Research on Ageing and the staff! I am very privileged to be taught by excellent, passionate and committed staff. I have been very impressed with the level of interaction and follow-up on my queries through emails, feedback on assignments, regular Skype discussions and personal chats with my lecturers and Personal Academic Tutor.

What are you most proud of from your time at Southampton so far?

I am the first woman from my family to have been awarded a fully paid scholarship to study abroad, and not just abroad but in the UK. I am very proud of this achievement and I have become a role model and a mentor to many young women so far. Though this opportunity, many people in my community now know that there are opportunities that are within reach and with proper guidance, one can get accepted to prestigious institutions such as the University of Southampton regardless of one’s race or gender. My network has also expanded through my interaction with the University community. I have become a researcher-in-progress and I have already started engaging in discourses about matters of ageing which are still very unfamiliar here in Kenya.

What do you think you have gained from your studies that you wouldn’t have developed without them?

The course I am pursuing at the Centre for Research on Ageing is not locally available to me in Kenya, so this a rare opportunity for me. I have started working on a manuscript which I hope will be ready later this year and possible, I will get published in a journal even before I complete my course! Thanks to my studies, I can manage my time better and my writing and communication have improved.

What will you do with your degree/research after you have finished your studies?

At the end of this course, I will be well equipped to work as a researcher in Gerontology. I hope to work with other African researchers to help find solutions to policy gaps on African Gerontology; to contribute in advocacy by generating evidence and to build my career.

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