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The University of Southampton
Special Collections

Sorting codes for the Wellington Papers Database

The following sorting codes have been used in preparing the database to enable otherwise coherent groups of papers which are now dispersed through the archive to be brought together:

AICOR African Institution: correspondence
AIP African Institution: papers
BATH Papers from Lord Bathurst's archive (Cirencester Park)
BLHCOR British Lying-in Hospital for Married Women (also called The Lying In Charity, established 1757: Wellington president in 1819 and later): correspondence
BLHP British Lying-in Hospital for Married Women: papers
BUNLAB Bundle label
BWES Bath and West of England society for the encouragement of arts and agriculture: Wellington was Vice Patron in 1830 and for several years before (WP1/1129/7)
CALACOR Caledonian Asylum correspondence
CALAP Caledonian Asylum papers
CHGOVCOR & P Correspondence and papers as Governor of the Charterhouse, from 9 August 1828
CHOXCOR Correspondence and papers as Chancellor of Oxford University (1834-52)
CICCOR & P Correspondence and papers as Commander in Chief of the army
CORCOP Copy of correspondence made in preparation for editions of the Dispatches, in an unidentified hand
CSICOR & P Correspondence and papers as Chief Secretary for Ireland (1807-9)
CTLCOR Constable of the Tower of London: correspondence
CTLP Constable of the Tower of London: papers
DESP Proofs etc. for the editions of the Dispatches
DPFCOR Trustee of the Deccan prize fund (appointed 23 March 1823: WP1/766/10): correspondence
DPFP Trustee of the Deccan prize fund: papers
ELDCOP Copies taken from the papers of the first Earl of Eldon after his death in 1838 and in the 1840s (mainly Eldon, Goderich, Westmorland and King George IV)
ELPS East London Pension Society. Duke of Wellington patron from 1828 (WP1/986/5)
FGCOR Correspondence of William Fitzgerald, later second Baron Fitzgerald and Vesey, given to the second Duke of Wellington in 1871.
FSRCOR & P As colonel of the 42nd Regiment of the Line of the Austrian army
GENCOR General correspondence
GENP General papers
GEXCOR & P As George IV's executor
GOVPLYCOR Governor of Plymouth (Wellington resigned on appointment to the Tower of London, 29 December 1826): correspondence
GOVPLYP Governor of Plymouth: papers
GRENCOR & P Colonel of the Grenadier Guards (22 January 1827-1852)
GURCOP Copy by Colonel J.Gurwood (see also JGP)
HCT Harcourt papers
HLCOR Hampshire Lieutenancy correspondence
HLP Hampshire Lieutenancy papers
HSLCOR & P Highland Society of London (Wellington was an honorary member in 1829)
JCHP Papers of Sir John Cox Hippisley, 1st Baronet
JGP Papers from Gurwood's possession
KCLCOR As a life governor of Kings College, London (from August 1829)
LHCOR & P London Hospital: Wellington Vice President in 1819
LVICOR London Vaccine Institution: Vice President of the board of managers
LWCPCOR Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle
MAP Maps and plans
MBSCOR Medico-Botanical Society: honorary fellow 16 March 1827 (WP1/885/14)
MGOCOR Master General of the Ordnance: correspondence
MGOP Master General of the Ordnance: papers
MILCOR Military correspondence
MILP Military papers
MRTCOP Copy by R.M.Martin
MRTOR Original document removed from another archive by R.M.Martin
MSCOR Military secretary's correspondence
MSP Military secretary's papers
MXHCOR Middlesex Hospital correspondence (Vice President 1819)
MXHP Middlesex Hospital papers
POLCOR Political correspondence
POLP Political papers
PRICOR Private correspondence
PRIP Private papers
RFLBCOR Rifle Brigade correspondence (1820-52)
RFLBP Rifle Brigade papers
ROYCOR Royal correspondence
ROYP Royal papers
RRHGCOR Royal Regiment of Horse Guards (and Gold Stick) correspondence (1813-27)
RRHGP Royal Regiment of Horse Guards papers
RWHCOR & P Royal Western Hospital (part later Royal York Hospital)
RWICOR Royal Westminster Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye (Wellington was President from at least 1823): correspondence
RWIP Royal Westminster Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye: papers
SABCOR & P Society of Arts in Birmingham: Wellington patron from April 1829 (WP1/1011/26)
SFFDCOR Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress (Wellington was President in 1819 and later): correspondence
SFFDP Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress: papers
SPBSCOR Benevolent Society of St. Patrick: correspondence
SPBSP Benevolent Society of St. Patrick: papers
SSCOR Shakespeare Society correspondence
SSP Shakespeare Society papers
SSPCKHICOR & P Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge in the Highlands and Islands: Wellington was Vice President in 1819 (WP1/623/18)
THOCOR Trinity House correspondence: Elder Brother, April 1829; Master, May 1837
TRCOR & P Correspondence with the Duke's trustees, etc. under 54 George III, cap. 161
TTFCOR & P Colonel of the Thirty Third Regiment of Foot (1806-12)
VECOR & P Correspondence as plenipotentiary to the congress of Verona, transferred from Vienna
WICOR Commissioner for the Improvement of Windsor Castle (Wellington appointed 1824): correspondence
WIP Commissioner for the improvement of Windsor Castle: papers
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