Information on the resources of the Special Collections at the Hartley Library, Southampton, can be found by searching the Guide to the Manuscript Collections and the Printed Special Collections resource pages and Library WebCat.
The survey databases - for Jewish Archives and for military personnel - provide information on collections both at Southampton and elsewhere for those two subject areas.
The following are some suggested sources for information on related resources:
The National Archives Discovery : contains access not only to The National Archives own catalogue but to the National Register of Archives and A2A.
National Register of Archives : contains information on archive and historical records relating to British History
Access to Archives : contains catalogue of archives held at local record offices in England and Wales
ARCHON : directory of contacts for record repositories in the UK
Judaica Libraries and Archives on the Web
JDC Archives : institutional repository for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Archives hub : a gateway to descriptions of archives in the UK universities and colleges
NUCMC : National Union Catalogue of Manuscript Collections