CRR student receives best poster award

Shahad Alshehri, a PhD student in the Centre for Risk Research (CRR), recently received an award for the most innovative poster at the University of Southampton’s Doctoral Research Poster Showcase event.
Shahad, who is supervised by Dr Ian Dawson and Professor Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, is researching the effectiveness of disaster risk management (DRM) practices in Saudi Arabian hospitals. Her poster outlined the findings from her first study on healthcare workers’ perceptions of DRM effectiveness and explained the plans for her second study on regional variations in DRM effectiveness.
In response to receiving the award, Shahad said “I am thrilled and honoured to receive the Most Innovative Poster award in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, a recognition that truly reflects the supportive and inspiring environment provided by the Doctoral College Professional Development and my dedicated supervisors, Ian and Konstantinos”.
Dr Ian Dawson commented “Shahad has worked extremely hard on her research and has obtained a large quantity of data from samples that are typically hard to access. Via detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of this data, she has developed important insights into the effectiveness of disaster risk management in Saudi hospitals, and she will use these findings to make recommendations for policy and practice. Konstantinos and I are delighted to see Shahad receive this award in recognition of her innovative and industrious approach to her research.”