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The University of Southampton
CANcer Diagnosis Decision rules (CANDID)


Here are some frequently asked questions about the CANDID study.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking part?

Although there will be no direct benefit for you, we hope the information gained from the study will be used to improve early detection of cancer in the UK. The main disadvantage is having a blood sample taken. This can in some cases cause a small local bruise that will disappear in a few days' time.

What will happen to the samples?

The blood and saliva samples will be sent to the University of Southampton, Faculty of Medicine. A full blood count will be carried out and the remaining blood and any saliva samples will be stored in freezers in the Human Tissue Bank until funding can be secured to carry out further tests on them which will include looking at genes (DNA) and protein markers in relation to any cancer diagnosis that may occur in the future. No other genetic analysis will be done.

Will my taking part in the study remain confidential?

All information collected from you will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998; signed consent forms will be stored in locked filing cabinets until the end of the study after which they will be stored and then destroyed in accordance with Southampton University regulations.

The information you provide on the Internet will be held on a password-protected secure server. Your GP will be aware of your participation. The results, which will not identify you, may be shared with other doctors and researchers. If you withdraw from the study any information already collected would be held until the end of the study when it would be destroyed; it would not be used in the analysis of any results.

What happens if I change my mind?

It is up to you to decide to join the study. You are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason. This would not affect the standard of care you receive.

If you have any queries that aren't answered here, please get in touch with us by visiting our contact details page .

If you have decided that you cannot or do not wish to take part in the research and are willing to let us know more about the reasons why please complete the feedback form .

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