This page is designed to help clinicians when taking samples for the CANDID study.
The sample packs consist of:
1. 4 sample tubes,
2. Rigid specisafe packaging,
3. Plastic biohazard polythene bag,
4. Freepost envelope, and
5. Wingset
Please complete the Trial Request and Sample Requisition forms from the patient's Recruitment Pack. Please ensure the ID numbers on the sample forms match the ID on the consent form. Saliva samples should only be taken if the patient is not willing to give a blood sample. The Oragene collection kits should be at the practice.
All samples should be labelled with name, sex and DOB. Collect the 4 blood samples in this order of priority:
1. Lilac x2
2. Red
3. Clear (PAXgene)
Complete the Sample Requisition Form - this should be returned to the study team as this triggers payments. Complete the Trial Request Form (for the full blood count) - this should be sent with blood samples.
Pack samples in the specisafe packaging with:
1. Pink consent form (required by the Human Tissue Bank)
2. Unused sample materials & labels
3. Trial Request Form (with blood samples)
Please only collect and post samples Monday - Thursday as they have to be with the laboratory within 24 hours.