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The University of Southampton
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture

'Merry Meetings': records of early play Event

18:00 - 20:00
2 February 2009
Humanities Building 65, Room 1177 Avenue Campus University of Southampton

Event details

This session will comprise five 10-minute studies based on REED (Records of Early English Drama).

Topics will include:

  • Robin Hood plays: their contents and social context
  • Maypoles
  • Morris Dancing
  • plays and playing in the towns of Chester and York 1540-60.

Speakers are: Jeni Bolitho-Jones, Angela Lathwell, Daniel Morelle, Miranda
Nugent, and Lucy Walsh, all students on the English, Creative Writing,
and Medieval and Renaissance Culture MAs, who been taking the module
'Records of Early Play', taught by Professor John McGavin.

Wine and nibbles will be provided.

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