Dr Yukai Zou selected as ReproNim/INCF Training Fellow
Dr Yukai (Kai) Zou has been selected to be a ReproNim/INCF Training Fellow for 2022-2023 cohort, from a competitive process of more than 40 excellent applicants. Comgratulations Kai!
The ReproNim/INCF Training Fellowship is a Train-the-Trainer program to empower researchers to teach reproducible methods to others. Kai will engage with the Fellowship through interacting with the ReproNim team and previous Fellows who are committed to training the next generation of brain imagers in reproducible and open neuroimaging. Kai will attend the opening Training Workshop that will take place (Covid permitting) in Glasgow, Scotland, 17-18 June 2022. The workshop will provide training and syllabus development support that Kai will benefit to deliver the Translational Neuroimaging Training Module at the University’s Summer School this year.