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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS seminar - "Analysis of Medical Markets and the Use of Mechanism Design" - Christine C Huttin Event

14:00 - 15:30
9 October 2020
Please email Huan Yu for a link to the virtual seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Huan Yu at .

Event details

The current research stream on physicians' choice models under the collaboration between Professor Christine Huttin and Professor Jerry Hausman aims to better understand the impact of physicians’ choices, either prognostic, diagnostic or treatment choices (especially drug choices) when patients are covered under public versus private insurance schemes or need to decide to switch from the private plans to the Federal Medicare coverage. This research question is investigated with new types of mixed logit models to analyze the impact of heterogeneity of physicians’ choices and patients’ characteristics, for various decisions with and without independence of irrelevant alternatives among the choice sets. It leads to improve statistical estimation of predictive expenditure models from conventional logit or probit forms by using random preference components for prices of medical services, proxies for various public and private insurance plans in addition to fixed characteristics associated with patient profiles such as age sex and risk factors or comorbidities (e.g. obesity) and new specification tests on Independent of Irrelevant Alternatives assumptions (IAA), at an individual level. These series of models move the development of the economic models away from the type of decision models used in medical schools, mainly called the step models, usually representing the likelihood of providing a treatment and the patterns of utilization and expenditures of various medical services (e.g. drug utilization). The mixed logit model development, especially with random preference variables for pricing, aims to integrate the price of goods and services and therefore supply and demand interactions in physicians’ choices. However, they are still limited to integrate all the actors that constrain and influence the markets. A large literature exists especially on induced demand and induced supply (Huttin 2017). However, the current stage of research is also to incorporate, in the strategic modeling, a representation of more comprehensive interactions and players. Contributions of the game theory approach are very useful since they usually provide a state of the play with different players to analyze how they negotiate, cooperative and compete in various forms of games, according to types of markets; among main types of game modeling approach for the medical markets, the contribution of mechanism design, as one of the developments of game theoretical approaches is considered in the current stage, which will be presented at the seminar.

Speaker information

Christine C Huttin, "Professor Christine Huttin founded in 1994 a think tank in Brussels called Evaluation Network of Drug European Policies ( site associated with Eupha till 2010) funded in European framework research programmes. She relocated some research and development activities to Cambridge, Mass (USA) to create a Virtual Development Center called ENDEPUSresearch, Inc ( for cost sensitivity simulators for decision makers in health care in 2005 and quality improvement tools. It was sponsored in the USA for statistical development of her application on economics of medical decision making by Prof McFadden, Nobel Prize in economics; then it was identified in the space of translational medicine for technology platforms in cancer care and risk stratifications for precision medicine, by Dr M Liebman, CEO of Strategic Medicine and IPQ Analytics, in Philadelphia; since 2017, Prof C Huttin has also collaborated on a project for physicians’ choices economic models with Prof Jerry Hausman at MIT. In Europe, she renewed activities first as an expert in the Public Private Partnership panel for DG Santé and in 2019 for the European Parliament (EPRS service) for briefing notes on pharmaceutical and medical devices regulations. Professor Christine Huttin holds an academic post as full professor, at University AixMarseille since 2002 after 15 years in Paris University. She is associated with some chairs on Health Service Research, in Paris and Lyon, for cost models in genomic French plan and is a qualified member of the High Committee of Public Health (HCSP) for the Minister of Health (France); she had activities in Benelux (seminars in the doctoral school of system and molecular biomedicine at University of Luxembourg; project on economics of biobanking with Erasmus Bioinformatic department). She has collaborated with physicians from Partners Health Care, associated to Harvard Medical School, in Boston for clinical and economic predictive disease models. She received a Bachelor of Science, a MBA from ESSEC (1980) and a PhD in Business and Political Economy from EHESS/ESSEC (Paris, France, 1986). She is also a Takemi fellow in international health of Harvard School of Public Health (1995) and had specialized training in epidemiology by the New England Epidemiology Institute (summers 1996-98). Professor Christine Huttin has been a member of Woman Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (WEST) and was involved with the Technology Capital Network (TCN) in Boston. She is very active in some scientific societies (Ispor) and has been member of Society for Medical Decision Making, Academy Health and IFSTEH/HIMSS (for economic of ehealth). She is guest editor for the economic section of the journal Technology and Health Care (IOS Press)."

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