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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

How are 'New' and 'Old' Actors Shaping Financial Inclusion? The Case of Mobile Money in Ghana - Dr PK Senyo (University of Southampton) Event

14:00 - 15:30
16 October 2020
Please email Huan Yu for a link to the virtual seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Huan Yu at .

Event details

Financial technology firms (FinTech's) have emerged as viable additions to the traditional financial landscape, potentially playing an important tole in addressing financial inclusion. However, limited research theorises how these new entrants and incumbents work together to reshape the financial landscape and and address financial inclusion. In this paper, we undertake a theory-generation case study encompassing interacting organisations in Ghana, where, like many other African countries the recent growth in mobile payment ser4vices has led to the pursuit of new opportunities for financial inclusion amidst a turbulent and challenging financial landscape. We conceptualize three types of practice through which incumbent and new FinTech's reshape the financial landscape: (1) innovative and collaborative, (2) protectionist and equitable, (3) legitimizing and sustaining practices. Based on this conceptualization, we build a model to address financial inclusion and discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study. Finally, we offer a multi-level set of predictors of technology driven financial inclusion.

Speaker information

Dr PK Senyo , is a Lecturer in Information Systems at the Department of Decision Analytics and Risk within Southampton Business School. His research focuses on how the use and adaptation of new digital technologies impact individuals, organisations and society. PK's main research interests include FinTech, financial inclusion, emerging technologies, (e.g. artificial intelligence, blockchain and big data), platform ecosystems, and ICT for development. PK's research has been published in leading journals such as Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management among others, as well as prestigious conferences such as Academy of Management, Internal Conference on Information Systems and European Conference on Information Systems.

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