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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS Seminar "Complexity Studies in Project Management" - Dr. Neil Turner (Cranfield School of Management) Event

4 December 2020
Please email Huan Yu for a link to the virtual seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Huan Yu at .

Event details

This talk will cover the nature of, and responses to, project complexity. Through extensive research, Neil and his colleagues have developed a framework which they have used with thousands of managers to respond better to practical challenges. In addition, he will also give an overview of his work on project ambidexterity, the necessity both to exploit previous knowledge yet also develop new knowledge to solve project-specific challenges. Combining complexity and ambidexterity offers a helpful problem-solving technique for managers, and a rich and valuable research area for scholars.

Speaker information

Dr. Neil Turner, a Reader in Project Learning at Cranfield School of Management, having joined from a previous career as an engineering manager in a major telecommunications firm. His current research activities involve organizational knowledge and learning in the context of complex projects, and how managerial practices and organizational strategic choices can improve both delivery performance and resilience. His interests lie primarily in how managers deal with the organizational realities they face, and focus on ambidexterity and complexity as ways of understanding this. He has published extensively on the subjects of project management, organizational learning and ambidexterity.

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