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The University of Southampton
CORMSIS Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems

CORMSIS Seminar "Deep Reinforcement Learning and Its Applications" - Yuxi Li Event

14 October 2021
Please email Huan Yu for a link to the virtual seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Huan Yu at .

Event details

What is the most exciting AI news in recent years? AlphaGo! What are key techniques for AlphaGo? Deep learning and reinforcement learning! Or deep reinforcement learning. What are application areas for reinforcement learning? A lot! In fact, besides games, deep reinforcement learning has been making tremendous achievements in diverse areas like recommender systems and robotics. In this talk, we will introduce deep reinforcement learning briefly, present several recent applications, and discuss issues and potential solutions for successfully applying deep reinforcement learning in real life scenarios.

Speaker information

Yuxi Li, obtained the PhD in computer science from the University of Alberta and was a postdoc there. On reinforcement learning for real life, he is the lead guest editor (twice) for the Machine Learning Journal Special Issue, the lead co-chair for ICML 2021/2019 Workshops ( and a 2020 virtual workshop. He is the author of a 150 pages Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Overview, at He has published refereed papers at venues such as NIPS, AISTATS, and INFOCOM. He serves as TPC Members/reviewers for conferences and journals, including AAAI 2019-2022, ACM Computing Surveys, JMLR, TKDD, and PLOS ONE, etc. He founded in Canada.

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