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The University of Southampton
Digital Learning

Dr Javier Mármol Queraltó  

Learning Designer

Dr Javier Mármol Queraltó's photo


I started my career as an EFL teacher in Spain after I achieved a degree and a MA in English Studies at the University of Extremadura, and since then I have acquired a variety of skills which have brought me to the University of Southampton. I obtained a MA Teacher Training (Spanish) at the University of Granada, and after spending a year teaching in different locations in Edinburgh, I completed a MSc in Language Sciences and Hispanic Linguistics in the Spanish Open University.

Between 2017 and 2022 I undertook PhD studies at Lancaster University, where I obtained a PhD in Linguistics. I specialized in Cognitive Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodality, while I undertook English for Academic Purposes teaching and coordination duties across different departments at Lancaster University.

In my last stage at Lancaster University, I designed and implemented several English for Academic Purposes programmes. This included in-person, blended, hybrid and online delivery for Lancaster University, and its International Study Centre. I complemented these duties with conducting critical analysis of Educational Technologies discourse within the Department of Educational Research, and so I am particularly interested in the role of technology in the intersection between the adoption/adaptation of technologies and issues around equality, safety and inclusivity in Higher Education contexts

In my role as Learning Designer within the Digital Learning Team, I currently work with departments across the University within the Staff Training Records Systems project to ensure accessible experiences for all members of staff. 



Dr Javier Mármol Queraltó
Digital Learning
Highfield Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ


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