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The University of Southampton
Finance, Planning and Analytics

PASNAS: Ill Health and Temporary Absence

What happens if I am absent due to illness?

If you are absent due to illness, your PASNAS contributions will be collected as normal for any period you are receiving full pay. If your pay is reduced to half pay due to long-term illness you will pay a PASNAS contribution based on the value of your full pay to maintain full pensionable service.

What happens if ill health forces me to retire early?

If you become so ill that you are likely to be permanently incapable of continuing in your present employment or similar employment you may leave service with an immediate pension and lump sum retirement benefit.

If a member wishes to apply for early retirement on ill health grounds an application can be initiated by either the member or Human Resources and put in writing to the Pensions team.

How is an ill-health pension calculated?

Ill health retirement can be awarded on two levels; partial and total incapacity.
This two-tier system will provide an ill-health pension and is dependent upon a member’s medical condition.

Partial incapacity - Where a member is found to be suffering from partial incapacity they will become entitled to a non-enhanced pension based upon their service to date of retirement (no early retirement factors will apply).

Total incapacity - Where a member is found to be suffering from total incapacity an enhanced pension will be paid.   The overall benefits payable to a member suffering from total incapacity will be the same as those which are payable for retirement had the member continued in post until age 65 or State Pension Age, if increased (no early retirement factors will apply.)

If you leave service as a result of a medical condition that was known to you or your employer at the time you became an Active Member of PASNAS, and you have been an Active Member for less than five years, any pension payable will be based only on your actual Pensionable Service completed when you leave service.

What happens to my ill health pension if my circumstances change?

The Trustees have the power to reduce, suspend or terminate your pension if in their opinion your health improves sufficiently to enable you to undertake paid work prior to Normal Retirement Date.

What happens if I am on maternity, paternity, adoption leave or shared parental leave?

If your absence is due to paid maternity, paternity, adoption, or shared parental leave, you will continue to pay contributions but these will be based on the pay you receive, and your membership will continue unaffected whilst you are contributing.
If any part of your leave is unpaid, no contributions will be collected for this period, and your membership will continue to the extent required by law. You will be contacted on your return to work, and given the option to pay the contributions due for the period of your unpaid leave.

What happens if I am absent from work temporarily?

If you are absent from work for reasons other than illness or maternity, paternity, adoption or shared parental leave, it may be possible for your PASNAS membership to continue as normal.
You must contact the Pensions Office if you have any periods of absence, to discuss your options.  If you choose to not make up any missing contributions you may have a period of absence recorded against your pensionable service.

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