Discovery Series: Assessments
On 11th May, the Social Sciences Faculty International Office (FIO) launched the Discovery Series, a selection of talks and Q&A sessions to inform international students about the academic workings of the university. The focus of the first session was assessments, including resits, repeats and plagiarism. This was an in-person event and attracted a good audience, a great beginning for the series.
The event was organised by the FIO team and was hosted by Song Pan Utz (Senior Executive Officer, Faculty of Social Sciences International Office). The panel for the event consisted of Prof Sabu Padmadas (Associate Dean International, Faculty of Social Sciences), Dr Haris Psarras (Associate Professor in Law), Dr Shahnaz Ibrahim (Senior Teaching Fellow in Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship), Dr Ran Peleg (Lecturer in Science Education) and Wellbeing Specialist Practitioners Louise Fay and Azra Al Jabbar.
Before the session, audience members were asked to submit questions to the panel so that they could be included as part of the session. After a brief introduction from the panel, Song Pan Utz asked the pre-submitted questions, categorised into before, during and after the exam. The panel answered questions on referencing, exam stress and how to express your individuality through academic writing. This was followed by a more open question and answer session where students could ask their questions directly to the panel. Thank you to the panellists for their excellent contributions!
Song Pan Utz said “What a great success of the first Discovery Series! I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions and have learned a lot from the panel. Their passion for teaching, their thoughtfulness, and the genuine care for students all came through beautifully!”