UWA Visit to Southampton
On 13th October 2022, Faculty of Social Sciences staff welcomed Professor Jennifer Howell (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), of University of Western Australia (UWA)) to Southampton. Colleagues across the Faculty exchanged ideas and expertise, and discussed various education initiatives.
Staff present included Song Utz (Senior Executive Officer of Faculty International Office), Professor Sabu Padmadas (Associate Dean International of Social Sciences), Professor Werner Scholtz (Head of Southampton Law School), Professor Martin Dyke (Head of Southampton Education School), Professor Laura Costanzo (Head of Southampton Business School), and Directors of Internationalisation Dr Carlos Lobo (School of Mathematical Sciences) and Dr Jan Podivinsky (School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences).
The University of Western Australia is a key partner for Southampton. We look forward to deepening our collaboration in both research connectivity and joint education programmes.