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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Renmin University of China

Renmin University of China (RUC) is a research-orientated comprehensive University focusing on Humanities and Social Sciences and is jointly financed and supported by China’s Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Government. It was the first modern University founded by the People’s Republic of China.

RUC is one of the leading humanities and social science-focused universities in China, gaining national recognition for excellence in theoretical economics, applied economics, legal studies, sociology, and journalism & communication.

Renmin University of China
Renmin University of China

Throughout its history, Renmin University has established communications with over 125 universities and research institutions in 32 countries and regions, which enables the University to be a centre of academic and cultural communications between China and foreign countries. Many famous scholars have given lectures or attended special seminars in Renmin University, including Nobel Prize winners in Economics.

The University of Southampton is keen to strengthen our existing relationship with Renmin, especially between Southampton’s Social Sciences department and Renmin’s School of Sociology and Population Studies. We hope that this will lead to new opportunities in the future for both UoS and RUC social sciences students.

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