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The University of Southampton
Wessex Imprinting Group Information for patients

Research studies


The Wessex Imprinting Group works closely with the University of Southampton to perform research into genetic conditions.

Our work is resulting in the development of better diagnostic tests, better understanding of fundamental disease processes and also better treatment through the identification of new drugs and improved risk stratification.

Our research is funded through a range of sources, including the Leukaemia Research Fund, Diabetes UK, the Wellcome Trust, the Department of Health, the Wessex Cancer Trust and HOPE.

Current research studies include:

The International Transient Neonatal Diabetes Register
Imprinting Disorders Finding Out Why (IDFOW)
Study of Adults and Adolescents with Russell-Silver syndrome in the UK (STAARS UK)

For more informationon any of these studies please follow the link or contact the Wessex Imprinting Group via the contact us page.

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