The University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students, staff and visitors who access its facilities and services.
We recognise our particular responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults engaged in University activities.
This is done by ensuring there are appropriate arrangements in place for us to provide a safe and secure environment and to deal with issues concerned with suspected or reported abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
Our policy and procedures:
If you are concerned about a student, you can raise a concern by:
If you are internal to the University, you can also access the Raising Concerns and Safeguarding site for further information.
Our named Principal Safeguarding Officer and key contact for statutory bodies in relation to staff or students is Helen Rowland (Director for Student Support). Please contact the University’s Student Hub in the first instance: or 02380 599599.
If your safeguarding concern is sensitive, please state in your email ‘ I wish to discuss a safeguarding concern - could you please contact me as follows: [provide your contact details and availability].’
POLICY - Safeguarding
Raising Concerns & Safeguarding - SharePoint site (information for University staff)