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The University of Southampton
Intersectionality: Politics - Identities - Cultures Research Group

Book Launch Event

16:00 - 17:00
17 November 2020
Online event

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Shaun Cole at .

Event details

Feminist Media: From the Second Wave to the Digital Age

Celebrating the launch of her new book Feminist Media: From the Second Wave to the Digital Age , Dr Claire Sedgwick discusses relationship between feminist media and capitalism from the ‘second wave’ to the present day as explored in the book. Following Claire Sedgwick’s overview of the main themes of her book - influential feminist magazines Spare Rib and Ms ., feminist media movements such as Riot Grrr, and contemporary feminist media and its entanglement with capitalism - there will be a response from Dr Jilly Kay, Lecturer in Media and Communication at University of Leicester.

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