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Professor Ulrike Hanna Meinhof DPhil, MA

Emeritus Professor

Professor Ulrike Hanna Meinhof's photo

Professor Ulrike Hanna Meinhof is an Emeritus Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Southampton.

Ulrike Hanna Meinhof is Professor of German and Cultural Studies. Her research combines discourse analysis, multimodal text analysis, ethnography and oral history. Research projects funded by the AHRC, the ESRC, and the EU Framework programmes have focused on the transnational and translocal networking of migrant artists from Africa, on multi-cultural neighbourhoods in capital cities and provincial towns, and on cultural identity discourses of multi-generational families living in European border communities. She has curated a range of cultural events combining artistic performances with workshops for academics, civil society groups and the general public.

Research interests

Migration and diaspora studies, border studies, cultural policy, cultural identity, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and pragmatics, media studies.

Externally funded research projects:

Since 1999, Ulrike Hanna Meinhof directed and co-ordinated several international research projects funded by the AHRC, the ESRC and the European Commission’s framework programmes.

EU 6th framework: coordinator

Searching for Neighbours: dynamics of mental and physical borders in Europe (SeFoNe)

SeFoNe explored the dynamics of socio-cultural and physical borders in the newly enlarged European Union, as experienced by people of culturally diverse backgrounds, with a view to strengthen peoples’ competence for cultural understanding and exchange.

AHRC Diaspora, Identity and Migration programme , large grant: principal applicant

Diaspora as social and cultural practice (TNMundi)

TNMundi studied transnational networks of (post-) migrant cultural practitioners, performers and musicians originating from North-Africa and Madagascar musicians across Europe, Africa and wider global spaces

EU 5th framework: coordinator

Changing City Spaces: New Challenges to Cultural Policy in Europe

This project explored contemporary social and cultural developments in Europe, set in motion by and responding to new dynamics of global migration into and across Europe.

EU 5th framework: coordinator

Changing Identities, Changing Nations, 
Changing Stories In European Border Communities

The project built on a previous ESRC funded smaller research project and investigated three-generation families living in corresponding sets of geographically contiguous communities on the border between the EU before its Eastern expansion in 2004, and its Eastern and Southern neighbours.

Participation in the LINEE network (Languages in a Network of European Excellence), directing a project entitled ‘Multilingualism amongst minority populations: a case of transcultural capital or social exclusion?’

Principal partner of an ESRC project into discursive construction of identities on the former German-German and German-Polish border (ESRCR000 22 2899) with D. Galasinski. May 1999 - October 2000.

Coordinator of a research project 'The televisual construction of the 20th century at the eve of the millennium' (AHRB) 1999-2000.

Affiliate research group

Research project(s)

Diaspora as social and cultural practice (TNMundi) - Dormant

A study of transnational networks across Europe and Africa. How do (post-)migrant cultural practitioners, performers and musicians originating from North-Africa and Madagascar use multiple translocal and transnational networks across African, European and wider global spaces?

Searching for Neighbours: dynamics of mental and physical borders in Europe (SeFoNe) - Dormant

SeFoNe explores the dynamics of socio-cultural and physical borders in the newly enlarged European Union, as experienced by people of culturally diverse backgrounds, with a view to strengthen peoples’ competence for cultural understanding and exchange.

Professor Ulrike Hanna Meinhof
Student Office, Building 65, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton. SO17 1BF United Kingdom

Room Number : 65/office no longer applicable

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