Dr. Saman Jamshidifard MA Modern Languages, PhD Modern Languages
Head of English language department at Azad University (IR) in Oxford

Hi, I'm Dr. Saman Jamshidifard and I studied MA Modern Languages, PhD Modern Languages within Humanities at the University of Southampton.
Some way into the MA, outstanding critical thinkers and researchers at Modern Languages such as Professor Stevenson and the late Professor Brumfit inspired me in pursuing a PhD by research.
Saman is from Iran and came to Southampton to study an MA in Modern Languages.
What do you do now?
Head of English language department at Azad University (IR) in Oxford
How did you get interested in modern languages?
I had a translation studies background at undergraduate level and some linguistics but the MA I took up at Modern Languages gave me a sense of direction that allowed me to pursue my interests throughout my PhD exercise.
Why did you choose to study modern languages at Southampton?
My father was a Southampton alumnus and that really encouraged me to come back to Southampton for my MA. However, some way into the MA, outstanding critical thinkers and researchers at Modern Languages such as Professor Stevenson and the late Professor Brumfit inspired me in pursuing a PhD by research.
What did you like most about your PhD programme?
On one hand, there is the endless help of academic staff even at a personal level and the caring administrative staff of Modern Languages and Humanities, angels such as Mary Stubbington. On the other hand, there is a very strong research base in Modern Languages which makes a student feel that they are always involved with pioneering work and research. For example the international conference on language and the future of Europe which was organised by Modern Languages in 2004, was a pleasure to have been a part of. That conference and the consequent seminars on event management and conference organisation naturally encouraged me to take up presenting and helping organise other conferences in the UK.
Which branches of modern languages did you specialise in?
Sociolinguistics - Language Policy and Planning
What have you been doing since you graduated?
On the last year of my PhD, I started working freelance as an education inspector for British Accreditation Council (BAC) and on the same week as my PhD viva I was offered the opportunity to head the language department at Azad University campus in Oxford, a private Iranian university with over 2 million students in the Middle East!
Has studying modern languages at Southampton helped you in your career?
My career as it stands is very much founded on my MA and PhD at Southampton and I am even now collaborating with Modern Languages in running a Southampton PhD programme for Azad University MA graduates and academics.
Would you recommend studying the subject to other people?
Modern Languages has been ranked third in the latest departmental Higher Education ratings and for studies in 'Sociolinguistics' or 'English as a global language' I can not think of a better place!