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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Humanities AHRC Studentships now available for 2013 entry

Published: 22 November 2012 Origin:  Humanities
Avenue Campus

Humanities at Southampton is pleased to offer postgraduate studentships funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through their Block Grant Partnership (BGP) scheme.

The Faculty has AHRC awards for prospective postgraduate students at masters and doctoral level within the following subject areas:

Archaeology | European Language and Culture | English | Film studies | History | Linguistics | Music | Philosophy

In joining the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southampton, you will be joining a thriving postgraduate community with the opportunity to participate in a wealth of activities at subject and Faculty level including a full training programme, an annual student conference, a student-run journal, interdisciplinary research seminars and reading groups, and social activities.

Studentship details and eligibility:

These awards are available to UK and EU students. AHRC awards cover the duration of a postgraduate masters’ course or for up to three years full-time or five years part-time of doctoral study. UK/EU students who satisfy certain residency criteria are eligible to apply for full awards covering fees and maintenance. (Full-time maintenance was £13,590 per year for doctoral awards in 2012). Students from EU countries other than the UK are eligible to apply for fees-only awards unless they satisfy the residency criteria.

How to apply:

Submit both an application to study at the University of Southampton and a funding application form.

For details on how to apply to study at the University of Southampton please visit

The funding application form and more details are available at

Please note that to be eligible for consideration for an award you must have also submitted an application to study at the University of Southampton. All awards are made on a competitive basis.


The closing date for all applications is 15 February 2013.

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