Mexico Week 2015

From 27 October to 3 November the University of Southampton is inviting colleagues and friends across the City to participate in our Mexico Week, to celebrate the special ‘UK-Mexico Year 2015’.
This week-long programme of events hosted by the University’s Centre for Mexico-Southampton Collaboration (MeXsu), in collaboration with the Mexican student society, MexSoc, seeks to promote and share contemporary Mexican artistic, cultural and social activities. We are being joined by a range of Southampton cultural organisations who will be staging events, including Turner Sims, Element Arts, The Phoenix Film Society, the So: to Speak festival and the Southampton Film Festival. Element Arts have generously provided space in their Transported event offering us their container creation Crammed for the events at Guildhall Square. The Mexican Embassy in London and Southampton City Council have also given us their strong support.
We will be offering events from theatre productions, classical and popular music, mariachis bands, lectures on Mexico, films by Mexican directors, Mexican food and drink, and opportunities to practise your (Mexican) Spanish. We aim to involve as wide a range as possible of Southampton residents, old and young. The timing of this week coincides with the famous Mexican celebrations of the Day of the Dead, for which there will be Altars set up at the Avenue Campus and the Students’ Union.
We look forward to seeing you for some or all of the celebrations.
Professor Clare Mar-Molinero
Director of MeXsu.
To find out more about Mexico Week, please get in touch with:
Tracy Storey: