Inaugural Lecture - Professor Jennifer Jenkins Event

For more information regarding this event, please email Tracy Storey at .
Event details
English correctly in hundred days. Internationalisation and the English language
Internationalisation has become the dominant trend in many areas of life, not least in higher education, where there is much talk of ‘internationalising the curriculum', ‘internationalisation at home', and the like. Universities have had little to say, by contrast, about the de facto lingua franca of internationalisation, English, and instead, continue to project their internationalness through a national version of English, usually British or American. In this lecture I will discuss the phenomenon of English language change and the tendency among English language experts and non-experts alike to regard it as error. I will go on to consider how the massive increase in the number of non-native English speakers around the world has become the main driver of change in English, and the implications for the international university in the UK.
Each of the Inaugural Lecture in Humanities will have an end of lecture collection for the nominated charity. For this lecture Professor Jenkins has chosen to support Shelter .
The lecture will be jointly chaired by: Professor Henry Widdowson (University of Vienna) and Professor Constant Leung (King's College London)
This lecture was recorded, to see the recording please click on this link.
Speaker information
Professor Jennifer Jenkins,Modern Languages