'Rethinking competence: goals for lingua franca pedagogy and teacher education.' Seminar
- Time:
- 17:00 - 19:00
- Date:
- 4 February 2015
- Venue:
- Avenue Campus - Lecture Theatre C University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BF
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dr Will Baker at W.M.Baker@southampton.ac.uk .
Event details
Part of the annual seminar series organised by Centre for Global Englishes (CGE).
All welcome.
Speaker information
Dr Andrew Blair , Sussex University. BA (Kent), MA (Brighton), Trinity (London) Dip TESOL, Professional Doctorate in Education (Sussex) completed 2012. Andrew is the convenor for the MA English Language Teaching course, teaching on the Second Language Acquisition, Principles and Practice, World Englishes, Research Methods in ELT modules. He is also a Trinity College TESOL trainer and runs courses for overseas teachers of English and language assistants. He is involved with supervising Doctoral research students in the area of ELT, and with the Year Abroad Teaching Assistant programme for Modern Language students.