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The University of Southampton
Languages, Cultures and Linguistics Part of Humanities

Language learners abroad: Making the most of a multilingual experience Seminar

Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research
16:00 - 17:30
15 February 2017
Building 65/Lecture Theatre C Avenue Campus SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Prof Roumyana Slabakova at .

Event details

Part of the annual seminar series for the Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR).

The “year abroad” has been central to modern languages undergraduate programmes in British universities, yet its future is currently uncertain. This talk will present the main findings of the LANGSNAP project, which investigated language learning among students of French and Spanish during and following their sojourn abroad. The positive language learning outcomes experienced by all students, but in varying degrees, are related to their sociocultural experience (social networking, language use, and personal development). There will be a particular focus on case studies of “high gain” students, and the personal and contextual factors which promoted their language learning in complex multilingual and intercultural settings. Research-based conclusions will be drawn for the future management of study abroad programmes, including student preparation and follow up activities.

Speaker information

Prof Ros Mitchell ,Mitchell's two major areas of research expertise are second language acquisition, and foreign language classroom learning and teaching.

Dr Patricia Romero de Mills ,My main research interests are centred on pedagogical and philosophical issues concerning language teaching and learning in higher education. I am interested in aspects of criticality and curriculum design (including transition to higher education, and ab initio language learning amongst young adults).

Ms Laurence Richard ,My research interests are focused on the study of Native-Speaker/ Non-Native Speakers interactions in an oral setting, as well as the creation of electronic tools (Learning Objects) for the teaching of French grammar.

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